DURATION: 3 days (start 9am, finish 5 pm)
CONTENT: Theory and Practical Trimming (Cadaver hooves)
This intensive clinic includes the 1 day seminar
"What every Horseowner Needs To Know" and is the ideal "package" for the seriously interested horse owner or professional.
FACILITIES: Class room set-up
(Power point presentation where possible)
Undercover area for trimming and dissecting cadaver hooves
Rest rooms
PARTICIPATION: Minimum of 6; Maximum 15
FEE: $300 per person
(*ask if additional travel & accom. charges apply !!)
HANDOUTS: yes extensive folder, complimentary plexi tool and ruler
Professional Hoofcare Provider (farriers) - as professional development course
and other equine professionals.
Horse owners who want to become actively involved in their horse's hoof care (becoming competent to maintain a well trimmed hoof) and wellbeing and/or
This clinic is information packed and the most comprehensive in Australia
to date!
REMARK: Organizer does catering and charges participants or BYO lunches
Coordinator must order and organize cadaver legs (5-6 per participant)
Tools will be available for purchase
Suitable horses may be brought on day 3 to receive their set-up trim (confirm with
clinician, as conditions apply!)